If you’re trying to feed your toddler a nourishing traditions diet, it can be challenging the older (and more picky!) they get. Sometimes your child’s tastes can change and the nourishing foods they once ate, they may be resisting!
This blog post may contain affiliate links, which means that I may receive a small commission if you choose to purchase something through my site. I only promote products that I personally use and love!

What is a Nourishing Traditions Diet?
A nourishing traditions diet is also called a Weston A Price Diet or an Ancestral Foods Diet. In this diet, we focus on eating foods that are nutrient dense and full of minerals, and also good for our gut health. We eat the foods that people have been eating for thousands of years that our ancestors thrived on. These foods include things like raw dairy, fermented foods, grass fed nose-to-tail meats (organ meats, bones and muscle meats) and eating fruits and veggies with the seasons.
For me, following a nourishing foods diet is not about following a set of rules but more about eating in a way that is sustainable, ethical, simple, and nourishing.
How to Feed Picky Toddlers a Nourishing Traditions Diet
A note about how I handle tricky food situations with my toddler. I want to help my toddler have a good relationship with food – not a guilt ridden relationship. To do that, I am careful to never portray foods as “good” and “bad”. I try to always get the idea across that we want to eat food that will nourish our bodies because we love our bodies and nourishing them keeps us strong. I don’t demonize foods, I just say “we always want to eat foods that nourish us, and ‘xyz food’ isn’t nourishing to our bodies because it doesn’t make us feel good after we eat it.”
If you are interested in purchasing nutrient dense supplements – such as collagen powder, gelatin powder, bone broth powder, or beef liver capsules – check out Perfect Supplements! Their quality is unmatchable and the safety testing their products go through is some of the highest on the market!
This list of nourishing food ideas is not exhaustive, however it gives you a look into some of the common things my toddler eats every week for her meals!
Nourishing Breakfast Foods for Toddlers
I believe it’s important to start your toddler’s day with a richly nourishing breakfast full of nutrients and minerals. Breakfast is the meal you are “breaking-your-overnight-fast” with, so it’s important that the body’s nutrient stores are replenished and giving them lots of fuel for the day.
Here are some of the nourishing meals we typically eat for breakfast that my toddler loves!
About once a week, I make homemade pancakes for breakfast. I either use sourdough or sprouted wheat flour, and I usually include raw buttermilk. When we get our gallon of raw milk each week, I separate the cream from the milk, and with the cream I make butter. When you make butter, you also get buttermilk. This buttermilk adds a great flavor and extra nutrients to the pancakes!
Overnight Soaked Oatmeal
My toddler loves oatmeal, so about once a week I will soak oats overnight and make oatmeal the next morning for her. This makes the oats more easily digested and helps her be able to get more nutrients from them.
Scrambled Eggs
Scrambled Eggs are a favorite nourishing breakfast that we eat multiple days a week. I like to separate the whites and yolks and cook the whites first, adding in the yolks at the end so they’re “soft” cooked and retain lots of nutrients.
Bacon and Fruit
Obviously bacon isn’t a complete breakfast, but it’s the protein we base our breakfast around. Usually we will have a side of fruit and sourdough bread with our bacon. We buy pasture raised bacon and eat it for breakfast about once a week!
Fried Egg with Toast
Fried Eggs are another nourishing breakfast we eat multiple days a week. I cook the eggs in bacon grease or butter, and we eat on top of a piece of sourdough toast.
Banana Muffins
I don’t make banana muffins often, but when I do, we love to eat them for breakfast! I usually either make them with sourdough or sprouted wheat flour!
Nourishing Foods My Toddler Eats for Lunch
By the time lunch roles around, my toddler is usually hungry and ready to eat! These lunches are quick and easy nourishment that my toddler loves. I always include fermented veggies, fruit, and raw cheese on the side!
Here is another article you may be interested in about nourishing lunches we love to eat.
Grilled Cheese Sandwiches
I make these with sourdough bread (or Ezekiel Bread) and melt raw cheese in the middle. They are melt-in-your-mouth delicioussss
Tuna Fish
I love the brand “Safe Catch” Tuna, because they test every tuna for mercury levels to make sure nothing is too high. That makes this brand safe for kids or safe to eat during pregnancy too! I mix a little mayo in with the tuna to make it creamy and serve on top of toast or with crackers.
Canned fish
Sardines, Mackerel and Oysters are packed with nutrients and are quick and easy protein to help fill my toddler up. She doesn’t love oysters (yet), but we are working on it!
Pasture Raised hotdogs
I buy these mini beef hotdogs at Whole Foods Market and they are delicious! The ingredients are simple and the beef is pasture raised. We make these once or twice a week for a yummy protein at lunch.
Soft Boiled Eggs
On days when we didn’t have eggs for breakfast, I will usually make a soft boiled egg for my toddler for lunch. She isn’t crazy about the whites, but she LOVES the yolks – which is fine by me because the yolks are the most nourishing part.
I try to buy pasture raised turkey for lunch meat whenever I can, and it makes an easy protein that my toddler enjoys eating with lunch!
If you are interested in purchasing nutrient dense supplements – such as collagen powder, gelatin powder, bone broth powder, or beef liver capsules – check out Perfect Supplements! Their quality is unmatchable and the safety testing their products go through is some of the highest on the market!
Nourishing Snacks my Toddler Eats
It’s no secret that toddlers love snacks, and my toddler is no different!
Here is an article I wrote awhile ago with various nourishing snack ideas, and below are a few more of our commonly eaten snacks!
Meat Sticks
I always look for pasture raised meat sticks when possible. We love the brand Chomps – they always taste amazing. My toddler loves the “dark green ones” (as she calls them – they’re Italian flavored).
We love raw cheese, but if I can’t find raw cheese, then we do pasture raised cheddar cheese instead. Kerry Gold is a good brand that’s very accessible!
Mooncheese is a brand of packaged cheese and the only ingredient is “dehydrated cheese”. It makes a great crunchy snack in the car or on the go and reminds me of a healthy “chip” with it’s crunchy texture.
*I did recently notice that the cheddar flavor is no longer simply “dehydrated cheese” and has other ingredients added. I’m not a big fan of that kind now, and I stick with the gouda or garlic flavors.*
Smoothies make a great snack – although my smoothies definitely look different now then they did in my vegan days! I usually include things like raw milk, collagen, a banana, raw milk kefir, yogurt, egg yolk, cocoa powder, and peanut butter!
Sausage Balls
I absolutely love homemade sausage balls! I make them with pasture raised sausage, raw cheese, sprouted wheat flour and seasonings. Here is my recipe video if you want to make them yourself!
Gelatin gummies
Gelatin Gummies are a super simple nourishing snack to make and I guarantee your toddler will love them! Gelatin is great for nail, skin and bone health, as well as gut health. It’s basically a super food for toddlers!
Click Here to Learn How To Make Your Own Gummies!
Drinks that I Give my Toddler
I notice that a lot of natural minded moms are very insistent that they only give their children water to drink. I definitely set the foundation early for my toddler to love water (and she does!), however I also like to give her other things to drink during the week to make sure she’s staying hydrated and getting any nutrients she can!
Here are some of the things my toddler drinks regularly besides water!
Raw Milk
Raw milk is packed with nutrients and good, gut healing bacteria, so I make sure that my toddler drinks a lot of raw milk everyday!
Herbal Teas and Infusions
We love nettle infusions because they’re packed with minerals! I make an infusion and let it steep overnight and my toddler and I will share it in the morning. We also sip on herbal teas throughout the day!
Kombucha is great for gut health and my toddler loves it! She always thought it was “spicy”, but recently tried some of mine and now she loves it too.
Coconut Water
Coconut water has great minerals so I love when my toddler sips on some of my coconut water during the day.
Nourishing Dinners My Toddler Eats
My toddler eats whatever we eat for dinner!
Our dinner meals vary from whole chickens, to soup to meatloaf to skirt steak! I try to incorporate some cooked veggies, meats and fermented foods into our dinners.
If you’d prefer to watch this content in video form, feel free to check out my YouTube Channel!
You might also Enjoy:
- My Story: From Vegan to a Nourishing Traditions Diet
- Nutrient Dense Foods I eat everyday and you should too
- Foods Good For Gut Health
This post contains affiliate links which means that I will get a small commission if you choose to purchase anything through my link. I only recommend products that I use and love!!

Hey, I'm Victoria!
I'm so glad you're here, sweet mother!
My goal is to inspire you to remember your primal roots & live a WILD life in alignment with nature. On my blog I empower you to use herbs and natural remedies to keep your family healthy, teach you how to eat a nourishing, traditional foods diet, and inspire you to raise your babies consciously and respectfully.