WILD: (according to Merriam-Webster Dictionary)
- Living in a state of nature and not ordinarily tame or domesticated.
- Going beyond normal or conventional bounds.
- Indicative of strong passion, desire, or emotion.
- Deviating from the intended or expected course.
- A free or natural state of existence.
Where are all the wild mothers?!
We are the Wild Mothers
We are the wild ones.
We tune in to our intuition.
We listen to our instincts.
We birth in power, knowing that birth is our sacred calling and right.
We sustain our babes with nourishing milk from our breasts.
We carry our babies close to us always in their first year of life.
We sleep close to our babies, knowing that this is a biological norm embedded in our DNA in order to keep our babies safe.
We nurture and raise our babies in nature.
We nourish our children and ourselves with the cleanest foods we are able to provide – always better when grown straight from Mama Earth herself.
We are the keepers of knowledge. We research, we read, and we question everything.
We know that western medicine has a time and place, but we are knowledgeable about ways we can keep our families healthy at home.
We find herbs with healing power and create plant medicine to heal us when we feel unwell.
We understand that children don’t need expensive toys or electronics – they want our presence. They want our love. They want us.
We guide our children gently, knowing that they are innately good and desire to please us with all that they are.
We thoughtfully cultivate a space for our children to pursue their interests, creativity and develop a love of learning as they grow.
We live in simplicity – our space is sacred and intentional.
We try our best to live in harmony and with reverence for the Earth in every way we can, taking care of her in just a small fraction of the ways she takes care of us.
We know that the modern age has tried to take away our power, put down our intuition, and trample out our instincts.
We are here to take them back; to recognize that this is the way our ancestors lived and thrived for thousands of years.
Call us extreme. Call us hippies. Call us woo-woo. Call us what you will. It doesn’t matter to us.
We are Wild Mothers.
Hail the wild mothers.
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