Postpartum is a time that not many people seem to talk about. It can definitely be a beautiful, special time bonding with your baby. But it can also be a tough time, both physically and mentally for new moms. If you are an expecting mom wondering how to prepare for postpartum, I hope this guide of natural postpartum essentials will help you feel a bit more prepared and ready for the few weeks after birth.
Why these natural postpartum essentials?
This list contains the things that I personally used during my postpartum to help take care of my body and support recovery after childbirth. These things support your body’s natural healing ability and nourish, strengthen and replenish after birthing your baby.
This article does contain affiliate links for the products that I use and recommend to others. If you choose to purchase the product through my link, I will receive a small commission. I only recommend products that I use and love!
Natural Postpartum Essentials
Herbal Perineal Spray by Earth Mama

I ordered this spray and was afraid to use it for the first day or so because I saw that it contained peppermint oil and I was worried it would burn me down there. Oh how wrong I was! Once I started using it, I used it every time I went to the bathroom. It’s soothing, refreshing, cooling, and healing. I recommend it whether you tore vaginally or not. It’s made with natural ingredients and it’s great!
Sitz Bath

I didn’t use a sitz bath with my first birth, and I honestly think if I had used one, I would have recovered much faster. I ordered one to use after my home birth and I used it twice a day. Initially it stings a little bit, but the longer you rest the more you can feel the healing action happening. I would shoot to sit in it for 15 minutes 2x a day.
Homemade Sitz Bath Blend

I made an herbal sitz bath blend to help heal and recover my bottom and perineum after birth. I used Pink Himalayan Salt, Calendula, Plantain, Red Rose Petals, Uva Ursi, and Lavender
Afterbirth Cramping Tincture
For my second baby, my afterbirth cramps were a lot more intense than they were after my first birth. I purchased a tincture from my midwife to help with after-birth pains. I know a lot of women recommend and love After Ease tincture too.
Arnica 30c

Arnica definitely helped me with my cramping and overall healing after birth. It did not relieve all of my pain, but it did help. Next time I would like to try a higher potency one like Arnicare and see if that helps even more!
Rice Sock/Heating Pad
A rice sock heating pad helped me immensely with the cramping in the days following birth!
The First Forty Days Book
I don’t have this book personally, however I have heard incredible things from the author and I know a lot of women who really love it! It contains great recipes and talks about how important nourishment is in the month after birth. Definitely recommend it if you’re looking for something to teach you about nourishment during the post partum period.
PostPartum Tea
I made a postpartum tea for myself that was rich with Nervines and nutrients to replenish my body of vitamins and all the energy I had expended. I made big batches to sip on throughout the days for the first week after birth. The one I made contained chamomile, hibiscus, rose, Lavender, rose hips, and lemon balm and was very hydrating and tasty!
Bone Broth and Nutrient-Dense Foods
I tried to make these foods before giving birth so that they would be easily accessible for my husband to warm up for me after birth. I ate a lot of nutrient dense foods during pregnancy, and postpartum is not a time to slack on nourishment! Bone broth, raw cheese, raw milk and soups were some of the things that I ate.
Easy snacks
During my pregnancy, I made some snacks that I could easily reach for in the days following birth: meat sticks, banana muffins, sausage balls, etc. These snacks were great for my toddler and husband to eat too!

Reusable breast pads

Your milk can take a few weeks or months to regulate, so in the meantime you may leak milk when you have letdowns. I found these reusable breast pads to be incredible for keeping my clothes and bra clean. They’re made of organic bamboo and they’re really soft. They also last well because I’ve used them for both of my births now!
I did not use depends with my first birth, but I did with my second and they were a game changer. Super comfortable on my tender belly, and really absorbable! I prefer to use pads with them, but they give a great extra layer of protection.
I hope you found this list of natural postpartum essentials helpful and useful!
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Hey, I'm Victoria!
I'm so glad you're here, sweet mother!
My goal is to inspire you to remember your primal roots & live a WILD life in alignment with nature. On my blog I empower you to use herbs and natural remedies to keep your family healthy, teach you how to eat a nourishing, traditional foods diet, and inspire you to raise your babies consciously and respectfully.