Last week, my husband, daughter and I were hanging outside near dusk. You know that time of day on spring nights where it’s perfect weather, perfect temperature, and perfect lighting? But only one thing isn’t perfect during a spring dusk evening – it’s also the prime time for Mosquitos!
My husband got bit several times on his foot and ankle. His bites usually swell up and get itchy and red the next day. Not anything too major, more just annoying!
We’ve all had a mosquito bite before (if you haven’t, you’re lucky!). They’re uncomfortable, they’re itchy, and occasionally they can swell up pretty large and turn red and inflamed!
As soon as we came inside, I gave my husband a dose of the homeopathic remedy Ledum Palustre.

Ledum Palustre comes from the plant Wild Rosemary. It is an evergreen shrub that grows in marshes and bogs in North America and Europe. The leaves look similar to the herb rosemary, and they have wooly hairs on the upper branches. The flowers contain an oil whose smell is similar to that of an antiseptic, which makes it unpleasant for animals to eat.
The Swedes have traditionally used it to wash their oxen to kill lice, and other people groups in Northern Europe use it to protect their grain from small rodents and pests. The plant has also been traditionally used to heal puncture wounds and soothe pains stemming from the lower half of the body.
To be made into a homeopathic remedy, the whole plant is dried, powered, tinctured, decanted and succussed.
Ledum Palustre can be indicated for many different conditions, including joint pain, various injuries, wounds and bruises.
Since my goal is to make things simple for mothers to learn how to take care of their children’s health, I want to just focus on using ledum for bug bites today. Just know that Ledum can be used for other things besides but bites and it’s a great remedy to have on hand!
So continuing my story from earlier, I gave my husband a dose of Ledum. Just one dose! Three to five pellets under his tongue within a few minutes of getting bit by the mosquitos. He never developed any swelling, itchiness, or rash. It was like he had never even gotten bit.
Ledum is now our go-to for mosquito bites every time! And consistently, we never get an itchy spot where we got bit.
According to The Complete Homeopathy Handbook by Miranda Castro, “Ledum prevents a septic state setting in and should always be routinely administered after a person has been bitten by any animal, poisonous or not. Give also for any insect bite or sting unless another remedy is strongly indicated, and use the appropriate external remedy at the same time.”
So Ledum works to help the body be strong enough to not have a reaction to the mosquito bite.
I wish I knew about this remedy sooner – honestly it’s so easy and safe to administer for bug bites, and saves us so much pain, burning or itchiness when we do get bit.
I highly recommend every mother add this remedy to their medicine cabinet!
Disclaimer: I am not a doctor and I always recommend checking with a trusted medical professional before using any natural remedies on yourself or your child. Study, research, trust your intuition, and learn all you can to make the most informed decision for your family. And always seek professional medical care for any injury or sickness where it is needed.
I am an Amazon affiliate and may receive a small commission if you purchase products using my link. I only link to products that I use and love myself!
The Complete Homeopathy Handbook by Miranda Castro
The Family Guide to Homeopathy by Dr. Andrew Lockie

Hey, I'm Victoria!
I'm so glad you're here, sweet mother!
My goal is to inspire you to remember your primal roots & live a WILD life in alignment with nature. On my blog I empower you to use herbs and natural remedies to keep your family healthy, teach you how to eat a nourishing, traditional foods diet, and inspire you to raise your babies consciously and respectfully.