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There are lots of foods that have been historically and scientifically shown to help nurture our gut health. It’s very important to me to put priority on my family’s gut health. To do that, we eat these six foods good for gut health everyday (or at least 3-4x a week).
Why is Gut Health Important?
Our entire body is covered in billions of bacteria, collectively referred to as our microbiome. It’s been long thought that the “gut” was the only place bacteria was found, but now we know bacteria colonize our lungs, our skin, and our mouths.
I believe research is only beginning to explore how important these bacteria are to our overall health!
If you are interested in purchasing nutrient dense supplements – such as collagen powder, gelatin powder, bone broth powder, or beef liver capsules – check out Perfect Supplements! Their quality is unmatchable and the safety testing their products go through is some of the highest on the market!
Foods Good for Gut Health
Hot Herbal Teas
(calendula, marshmallow, dandelion root, oatstraw, nettles, orange peel, ginger, burdock)
I love hot tea and drink it daily (sometimes 2-3x a day!).
There are some herbs that are incredible for your gut lining. Calendula, Marshmallow and plantain all help strengthen and thicken your gut lining.
Some herbs – like dandelion, burdock, and fennel – are great for digestion and help your body produce more bile and stomach acid. These herbs make the whole process of digestion easier and help your body to absorb nutrients easier.
Herbs like orange peel, green tea, cinnamon and peppermint have also been shown to help strengthen the oral microbiome! I like swishing with these herbs and using the tea as a mouth rinse.
Bone Broth
Bone broth contains lots of gelatin and collagen, which are incredible for strengthening the mucusy-layer around your gut – your gut lining. I make our bone broth with beef or chicken bones and we try to drink it several times per week! I also use it in recipes where I use rice or need to add flavor to veggies – makes it a nourishing food for gut health.
If you don’t have time to make your own bone broth, this a great, inexpensive alternative!
Raw or Fermented Dairy
We consume raw milk, raw cheese, raw milk kefir or yogurt daily! These have billions of beneficial probiotics in them that help our microbiomes to flourish!
I make kefir out of our raw milk and it is an absolute powerhouse when it comes to beneficial bacteria! I blend it with frozen blueberries and my toddler loves it (doesn’t even require sweetener)!
Fermented Foods
People have consumed fermented foods for thousands for years. This was how our ancestors actually preserved their foods without refrigeration. However, beyond the practical aspects, fermented foods are rich in microbes and bacteria that help diversify and strengthen our microbiome.
I love making my own sauerkraut and other fermented foods, however when I’m short on time (as I often am with two little ones!), I like to buy long fermented veggies from the grocery store. You can find them in the refrigerated section and the ingredients will just contain the vegetable (ie cabbage) and salt and maybe a few herbs. No vinegar brine!
I love kombucha! Kombucha is a food good for gut health because it contains billions of beneficial bacteria. Kombucha is black or green tea that has been fermented for several weeks. I love making my own and I also enjoy buying some of them that are sweetened with fruit juice (not sugar!).
I drink a glass of kombucha almost every night while I’m making supper. It’s my nightly sweet drink and I feel like it helps me digest my meal better too!
Veggies and Fruits in Season
There are lots of studies showing that eating a wide variety of plants helps to diversify gut bacteria. Plants contain fiber and starches that directly feed the good bacteria in our microbiome.
I try to add lots of variety in our vegetables. Instead of always doing roasted sweet potatoes or carrots, I rotate through turnips, parsnips, beets and potatoes. I do the same thing with greens and with fruits too!
I always prepare our greens cooked in a fat for better nutrient absorption and easier digestion!
If you are interested in purchasing nutrient dense supplements – such as collagen powder, gelatin powder, bone broth powder, or beef liver capsules – check out Perfect Supplements! Their quality is unmatchable and the safety testing their products go through is some of the highest on the market!
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Hey, I'm Tori!
I'm so glad you're here, sweet mother!
My goal is to inspire you to remember your primal roots & live a WILD life in alignment with nature. On my blog I empower you to use herbs and natural remedies to keep your family healthy, teach you how to eat a nourishing, traditional foods diet, and inspire you to raise your babies consciously and respectfully.