If you’re looking for a homemade toothpaste recipe, you’ve come to the right place. This DIY toothpaste recipe is simple, re-mineralizing, and only contains 3 ingredients!

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A little backstory on why I started making my own toothpaste…
When my infant daughter popped her first tooth, I knew that I didn’t want her using conventional toothpaste that had potentially damaging ingredients in it. Many conventional kinds of toothpaste are filled with sugars, dyes, and fluoride, all of which I knew I wanted to avoid in her little mouth!
So I began the search for a baby-friendly toothpaste. I looked at all the healthy brands, but they all had something I didn’t feel comfortable with, in them. Either glycerin, or flavored with essential oils, or just too many ingredients for me to be comfortable with her swallowing it.
So I decided to make my own homemade toothpaste. I had done it in the past for myself, so why not try again for my baby?
I took to google to find the perfect recipe.
And I finally found one I love. After trial and error, I adapted it to be my own!
This recipe is based off of the Wellness Mama Remineralizing Toothpaste recipe. Definitely check out that link for her recipe as well as for more information all about remineralizing teeth!
Supplies you will need:
- Organic, unrefined coconut oil
- Baking Soda
- Calcium Carbonate
- jar to store your toothpaste
- a bowl
- measuring cups
- a spoon for mixing

How to Make Your Own Toothpaste:
Combine the following ingredients into your mixing bowl:
1/3 cup of calcium carbonate
2 TBS Baking Soda
1/4 cup of Coconut oil

Stir to combine until all the ingredients are blended and form the nice texture of how you like your toothpaste. If it’s too thick, feel free to add a bit more coconut oil until it is the consistency you prefer!

Store in a jar with a lid to keep fresh!

These little jars are the perfect size to be able to travel with your toothpaste. I have also just kept ours in an open jar on the bathroom counter before so my daughter could easily get some. I’ve also read of other’s storing their homemade toothpaste in a bag and cutting the tip so you can squeeze it onto your toothbrush.
Now do keep in mind, this toothpaste recipe is basic – it’s doesn’t taste great or sweet or have any flavoring. In my mind that’s fine because my daughter doesn’t know the difference and I would rather her NOT get used to sweet toothpaste.
That being said if you’re switching your family to this toothpaste from conventional toothpaste, you could use this recipe as a base and add in a bit of xylitol powder or a couple of drops of Essential Oils for flavoring. That would make the taste easier to manage. Luckily if you start your toddlers on this toothpaste, they’ll never even know what they’re missing!
Let me know if you enjoyed this homemade toothpaste recipe and if you’re going to try it in your own home or with your toddlers!
- Natural Teething Remedies
- Orange Peel Benefits (great for whitening teeth)

Hey, I'm Victoria!
I'm so glad you're here, sweet mother!
My goal is to inspire you to remember your primal roots & live a WILD life in alignment with nature. On my blog I empower you to use herbs and natural remedies to keep your family healthy, teach you how to eat a nourishing, traditional foods diet, and inspire you to raise your babies consciously and respectfully.