Child foot development may not seem like a riveting topic, but for mothers who are making conscious decisions in every area of their child’s life, child foot development IS an important topic!
Most shoes today are not created in a way that allows for ideal natural foot development.
It’s no secret that children and adults have very different feet. But did you know that the bones in our feet do not assume their final shape and hardness until 18-20 years old?
This means that childhood is a CRUCIAL time for foot development.
Infant Foot Development
During the first year of life, infant feet are soft and supple with a large pad of fat on the soles. Their bones are very flexible as they have not assumed their final shape yet.
Practically speaking, for a baby who isn’t walking, nothing should be put on the feet except loose fitting cloth (socks) for warmth. They don’t need shoes.
It is generally agreed upon by “Experts” (experts meaning Pediatric Podiatrists or those who specifically study the development of children’s feet) that avoiding shoes during infancy helps to:
– improve balance
-promote tactile sense
-eliminate negative influences on the natural development of the foot.
As babies start walking, It is generally agreed that if they are in a situation where they need shoes, any shoes for infants should be very soft and flexible to allow for proper foot development.
Toddler Foot Development
For older toddlers and preschool age children, it’s recommended for them to wear foot protection when needed for the environment they’ll be in. A soft, flat soled shoe with a high, soft strap over the Achilles tendon is ideal.
Forefoot flexibility in shoes is important. A study was done comparing the range of motion between feet that had been predominantly barefoot and feet that had worn shoes conventionally, and there were significant differences. These differences are mitigated however when a lighter shoe with a slimmer outsole and more flexible forefoot was worn.
So what should parents do to ensure proper child foot development?
- Should children go barefoot? Yes! Keep them barefoot whenever possible, especially indoors, and barefoot outdoors when the environment is clean and safe. Let them feel the earth on their feet, dig their toes in the mud, and experience the tickle of a pinecone on their soles.
- Purchase shoes that have thin, flexible soles and a wide toe box to allow the toes to splay out as naturally as possible. There are some great brands of Minimalist/Barefoot shoes however they can be pricey for kids…especially for little kids who’s feet grow very quickly. I like shopping at kids consignment stores to find soft sole shoes.
- Eat a healthy diet with lots of calcium and Vitamin D (raw cheese, raw milk, egg yolk, fish) to help feet develop properly and foot bones to grow strong.
- Check your children’s shoes often – every couple weeks – to make sure that the shoes still have plenty of room in them to grow….the shoe needs to be at least ½” longer than the foot. A study was done by swiss researchers that showed that of the children studied, over half of them were wearing shoes that were too small. Children’s feet grow SO fast, so its crucial to be checking their shoes often! One study found the following growth pattern:
- Under 15 months: a child’s footwear increased by 1/2 size about every two months;
- From 15 months to two years: 1/2 size increase occurred every two to three months;
- From two to three years: a 1/2 size increase occurred every three to four months;
- From three to five years: a 1/2 size increase occurred every four months;
References and more Child Foot Development Info:
This study was fascinating too
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