How To Make An Herbal Infusion

How To Make An Herbal Infusion

It’s really simple to learn how to make an herbal infusion! Infusions are usually prepared by pouring boiling water over an herb and allowing it to steep for a designated about of time before straining. Infusions are primarily used on the leaves and flowers of a...
Five Herbs Every Mother Needs in Her Life

Five Herbs Every Mother Needs in Her Life

Being a mother is arguably one of the most sacred, endearing jobs in the world.  I think most mothers would agree that there are many times where we ignore our own needs and instead put all of our energy into nurturing and growing our children. It’s easy to let...
Ten Helpful Herbs for the Urinary System

Ten Helpful Herbs for the Urinary System

The information below is not medical advice. I am not a medical professional; I am studying to be a clinical herbalist. Herbalists do not diagnose or treat disease. Please use common sense whenever learning about herbs and always check with a medical professional...

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