Hi, I’m Victoria
I’m a free spirit, an herbalist, a mama, and the heart behind Wild Mother. I am passionate about helping mothers to start living consciously and creating the life they want for themselves and for their children.
I have always been interested in nourishing my body and making intentional choices with my family’s health. I have studied herbs and homeopathy & other healing modalities for many years.
When I became a mother, my life shifted – I became stepped into a new level of myself that I didn’t even know existed before.
Suddenly my focus expanded from just being conscious about my health, to being conscious about every single area of my life. Because now I had a little person to raise, and I knew that I didn’t want to pass on unconscious patterns and conditioning onto her.
Suddenly, ‘health” has become more than just FOOD to me – but a complete overhaul of how I lived, how I reacted, patterns I didn’t even realize I was passing on, fears I carried, and mindsets I held.
I’ve come to believe that true HEALTH is about way more than just eating nourishing foods and cooking with herbs. It’s about being conscious in every single area of your life. Your mind, your body and your SOUL.
So yes, I love sharing about:
Nutrient dense recipes and nourishing foods
Herbs and natural remedies
Unmedicated Birth and Homebirth
“Crunchy mom” life
But I also love sharing about:
Overcoming Your Fears
Becoming conscious of how your past is affecting you today
Raising your children intentionally
Having deep emotional intimacy with your partner and developing healthy communication and clear expectations
Creating the life that you want to live
So in a nutshell – becoming conscious in every area of life – your food, your mindset, your past, your parenting, your relationships, and your beliefs.
I want to provide a space for other mamas like me to grow and learn in a like-minded community.
If you are a conscious mother – or a mother wanting to grow and and improve and live your life on purpose, then I think you will fit in quite well around here!
Follow me on YouTube – I post videos twice a week!
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Why a Sunflower?
The Story behind the Sunflower logo

I chose a sunflower to represent Wild Mother for a few different reasons.
They have always been my favorite flower – they embody sunny cheerfulness and positivity, which are attributes that I love and try to embody in my own life.
I also love the symbolism in how Sunflowers follow the sun throughout the day, always turning their heads to keep facing it. They are literally in sync with and a part of the rhythms of nature. In the same way I want to live my life and raise my children to be deeply intertwined with the rhythms of nature – being sensitive to the earth and all of the life (humans, plants, animals, fungi, bacteria) that we co-oexist with on the earth.
Sunflowers are also a powerhouse of a plant. They are packed with nutrients and vitamins like Vitamin E, Vitamin B6, Folate, Copper, selenium and Manganese. Like so many other plants, they have the ability to heal us and provide us with essential nutrients. A huge part of why I started Wild Mother is because I am so passionate about herbs and taking care of your health with plants. I am a studying to become a clinical herbalist and I just want to share all the amazing things I’m learning about plants.
Sunflowers to me represent healing, health, being in tune with nature, and living close to the earth. This is the heart behind Wild Mother.