Welcome, Wild Mother

Hey, I'm Victoria!
My goal is to help mothers reconnect with their Intuition and become conscious in every area of their life-No more going through life on auto-pilot! I empower mothers to make conscious choices for their family’s health, conscious choices for parenting and how they raise their children, conscious choices for the food they prepare, for the kind of relationship they have, and for the self development and growth that they accomplish. WILD means a FREE or NATURAL state of existence, so let’s glean wisdom from the ancient ways and apply them to our life today.
More about becoming WILD:
Conscious Parenting
Parenting our children is by far one of the most important tasks and most transforming gifts we have been given in this life. But it’s so easy to go parent our children exactly the way that WE were parented. There is a plethora of research proving that many of the ways we were parented are not ideal for child development.
So as a new generation of parents, I want to guide and inspire you to question everything you do when it comes to parenting and start making conscious decisions instead of parenting on auto pilot. I support treating babies and children with respect and always remembering that they are WHOLE people from the very beginning.
Health & Natural Remedies
We exist today as a collective because our ancestors knew how to use plants for health and healing. Herbs and plants have the incredible ability to be both our alley and our healers. We know that modern medicine has a time and a place (and we are very thankful for it), but so many issues can be healed at home with plants and herbal remedies. I want to empower mothers with practical herbal knowledge to be able to take care of their children’s health at home whenever possible.

Nourishing Foods & Ancestral Diet
We focus on eating foods that nourish every cell of our body; Foods that our ancestors have eaten for thousands of years. These include properly prepared grains, Raw Dairy, Fermented Foods, pastured meats, and fruits & vegetables with the seasons. I want to inspire you to nourish your family with food that is as close to the sources as possible.
Connect with me on YouTube or Instagram!
Hey, I'm Victoria!
I’m a free spirit, an herbalist, a mama, and the heart behind Wild Mother. I am passionate about helping mothers reconnect to their intuition and do the work to become conscious about the choices they are making for their family. I want to empower mothers to take care of their family’s health with herbs, natural remedies, and nourishing foods, and empower them to raise their babies consciously and respectfully with a deep love for nature and the earth. Click to read more about my heart behind Wild Mother!